Mod Mum's The Man Sling Winner's Review
This is my Winner's Review of the Mod Mums Man Sling I won at Sugar Pop Ribbons. Wow, my second win at Sugar Pop Ribbons. I love the look of this sling. It's pretty manly that's for sure. I received a deep olive green sling which I plan on giving to my darling hubby. He is not really a baby-wearing-parent and always blamed it on the "girlie" slings I have for myself. So, when I won this giveaway, I took the opportunity to choose something not so "girlie" that he could use!
My darling hubby has not really had a chance to use the sling so, I am going to speak about the construction and craftmanship of the Mod Mum Sling.
This sling is very well constructed, made from a super durable Army (dark olive) green cotton canvas. It's definitely not a girlie looking thing. :)
It also has a wonderfully large pocket on the front of it, which will be pretty handy to hold credit cards and money when shopping! Lastly, I like the idea of the padding for the legs. On other slings I own there is no padding and the fabric cuts into my daughter's legs after an hour or so in the sling. That usually causes her to demand, "Outs, Outs Mumma, outs, boo boo leggy!" It pretty much means we need to brings a stroller along too. I am hoping this sling will eliminate the need to bring that hefty stroller around. I do have a sling with the padding and it does seem to keep her in it longer. And since I know the padding works on the other slings, I am sure it will work with my hubby's new sling!
I'd like to thank Sugar Pop Ribbons for hosting the giveaway of a really great product and to Mod Mum for generously donating the sling to Sugar Pop Ribbons. Thank You! Check out Sugar Pop Ribbon's blog if your looking for honest reviews and wonderful product giveaways. You could also order your own sling check out Mod Mum's website for some beautiful patterns!

This sling is very well constructed, made from a super durable Army (dark olive) green cotton canvas. It's definitely not a girlie looking thing. :)
It also has a wonderfully large pocket on the front of it, which will be pretty handy to hold credit cards and money when shopping! Lastly, I like the idea of the padding for the legs. On other slings I own there is no padding and the fabric cuts into my daughter's legs after an hour or so in the sling. That usually causes her to demand, "Outs, Outs Mumma, outs, boo boo leggy!" It pretty much means we need to brings a stroller along too. I am hoping this sling will eliminate the need to bring that hefty stroller around. I do have a sling with the padding and it does seem to keep her in it longer. And since I know the padding works on the other slings, I am sure it will work with my hubby's new sling!
I'd like to thank Sugar Pop Ribbons for hosting the giveaway of a really great product and to Mod Mum for generously donating the sling to Sugar Pop Ribbons. Thank You! Check out Sugar Pop Ribbon's blog if your looking for honest reviews and wonderful product giveaways. You could also order your own sling check out Mod Mum's website for some beautiful patterns!
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